Elizabeth Taylor in BUtterfield 8 (1960)
As an Interior Designer I derive great inspiration from the movies and set design -
Here we see the great Elizabeth Taylor entering an all pink bathroom, and I mean all pink!
Everything is a textured pink, I am not sure if it is suppose to be marble (probably Formica) but all the walls, moldings, cabinetry and counter-top, right down to the towels are all exactly the same shade of bubble gum pink - everything except for the mirror frame, towel bars, bench and doorknob which are all a very 24 K gold. Even Mrs. Taylor's slip is a pale pink with a matching bubble gum pink lace trim.
I wonder if she is drinking a Pink Lady cocktail and to bad she doesn't have a Poodle, I bet we all can guess what color it would be - after all this movie was made in 1960 and is titled BUtterfield 8. As a side note Elizabeth Taylor won an Academy Award for her performance in this movie but it is my belief that the award was given to her for her performance in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) where it is said that she was over looked by the academy for being Hollywood's bad girl due to the affair and marriage to America's sweet heart, Debbie Reynolds husband Eddie Fisher. Elizabeth Taylor hated the film and referred to it as "Butterball 4" and was forced under protest to fulfill a contractual obligation to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer before being allowed to contract with 20th Century Fox to make Cleopatra - where we all know that Mrs. Taylor found her next husband Richard Burton.
Thanks to the set designers Gene Callahan and J. C. Delaney Elizabeth Taylor truly does look "Pretty in Pink"
Please feel free to view a clip from the movie showing the pink bathroom